Animal Health
Create a dashboard that assists Veterinarians with the ability to view their clients glucose levels, being notified when issues arise, and help with managing the condition.
My Role
UI/UX • User Testing • Prototyping
Ora Clinic is a dashboard that allows Veterinarians the ability to pair with Chordata's technology and monitor their clients glucose levels throughout the day. When the pets glucose reach a concerning level the Veterinarian will be notified, allowing them to react to the situation before it becomes detrimental to the animal. Ora clinic will display the glucose levels, as well as other health points such as weight and temperature. These tools will allow the team the ability to monitor and develop plans to provide the best care for the pets health and well-being.
Pets with diabetes are not able to maintain a safe glucose average. Concerning glucose levels are often highlighted during the later stages of the diabetic condition, making treatment more difficult. It often causes the animal, the pet parents, and the veterinarian hardship in trying to have glucose levels balanced.
Ora Clinic communicates with the Chordata biochip, and wearable technology, via the cloud to provide critical information to the Veterinarian team to allow for a fast and constructive response.
Ora Clinic gives the Veterinarian team the ability to quickly respond to animals with concerning glucose levels. When an issue arises the team can make an appropriate plan for the health of the animal.
Veterinarians within a clinical setting.
Veterinarians that use the latest technology for the care of their clients. Are comfortable with using different technology and experiment with new tools.
Veterinarians from different clinics took part in the initial user testing of Ora Clinic. They provided their feedback on what they liked, what they disliked, and their suggestions for improvement. Improvements were made based on their notes. Using testing was repeated on numerous occasions.