Animal Health
Create a mobile app that assists in monitoring the glucose levels and health of a users pet.
My Role
UI/UX • User Testing • Prototyping
Ora is a user friendly yet engaging mobile app that allows users to pair with Chordata's glucose biochip and monitor their pets glucose levels throughout the day. When their pets glucose levels reach dangerous levels Ora will warn the pet parent, as well as, notify their Veterinarian. Ora Chordata's AI will display and analyse the pet's behavioural data and integrate it with the glucose data to provide the best analysis of the pets health and well-being.
Pets with diabetes are not able to maintain a safe glucose average. It often causes the animal, the pet parents, and the veterinarian hardship in trying to have their glucose levels balanced.
Ora communicates with the Chordata biochip to provide critical information to the Pet Parent, and Veterinarian team
Ora helps with reducing the need to draw blood, being able to view glucose levels regularly, and flag issues early.
Pet Parent
Young professionals that have delayed starting a family and consider their pets as their children and want to provide them with the best care.
Pet parents have access to animal health knowledge online and take a direct interest in the health of their animals
The users have grown up with the internet and mobile phones and are comfortable with using and adapting to new technologies.
Pet Parents took part in initial user testing of the Ora app. They provided their feedback on what they liked, what they wanted to be changed, and their recommendations. Improvements were made based on their notes. User testing was repeated on numerous occasions.
The graphic data is presented using a scientific format, which was noted during our research, but in a user-friendly manner.